![Tips Melindungi Diri dari Masalah Saat Menulis Blog](http://data.tribunnews.com/foto/bank/images/Blog-Nazaruddin.jpg)
- Menulis di blog pribadi maupun komunitas ternyata tak hanya menarik
untuk dilakukan. Tetapi juga dapat menarik diri ke dalam masalah, jika
tidak dilakukan dengan hati-hati dan dengan etika. Pasalnya, tulisan
seorang bloger yang diposting, bakal dibaca oleh semua orang pengguna
media online.
<TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Write in a personal blog and the community was not only interesting thing to do. But also can pull themselves into trouble, if not done carefullyand with ethics. Because the writings of a blogger who posted, will be read by all users of online media>
<TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Write in a personal blog and the community was not only interesting thing to do. But also can pull themselves into trouble, if not done carefullyand with ethics. Because the writings of a blogger who posted, will be read by all users of online media>
Amirkasari, pakar bloger yang juga merupakan penulis populer dengan
nama pena Rose Heart mengatakan, setidaknya ada beberapa trik dalam
menulis blog agar seorang bloger terhindar dari masalah saat menulis.
Berikut tips yang diberikan Risa Amrikasari:
1. Mencantumkan Sumber
Seringkali kita mendapatkan informasi dari berbagai media online lain pada saat ingin menulis di blog. Secara hukum, mengutip beberapa kata memang tidak akan melanggar hukum, dan dalam UU HAKI dan masih termasuk kategori yang disebut 'Fair Use'.
Seringkali kita mendapatkan informasi dari berbagai media online lain pada saat ingin menulis di blog. Secara hukum, mengutip beberapa kata memang tidak akan melanggar hukum, dan dalam UU HAKI dan masih termasuk kategori yang disebut 'Fair Use'.
tetapi, secara etika dan moral, jika ingin mengutip, sebaiknya
mencantumkan sumber yang dikutip. Misalnya nama penulis, dan alamat web
atau blog di mana kita mengutipnya. Jika memungkinkan, gunakanlah 'link
2. Meminta Izin
Meski mengutip beberapa kata atau kalimat masih masuk dalam kategori 'Fair Use' sesuai dengan UU HAKI, akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan pemilik aslinya akan berkeberatan dan tentu akan menimbulkan permasalahan di belakang hari.
Meski mengutip beberapa kata atau kalimat masih masuk dalam kategori 'Fair Use' sesuai dengan UU HAKI, akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan pemilik aslinya akan berkeberatan dan tentu akan menimbulkan permasalahan di belakang hari.
izin dari pemilik tulisan, foto, maupun gambar akan lebih baik dan
lebih beretika. Mengingat kita sendiri pun belum tentu akan suka jika
karya kita dicopy atau dipakai orang lain tanpa izin.
3. Bebas Tetapi Tidak Melanggar Hak Orang Lain
Jangan karena beranggapan blog yang akan ditulis adalah blog pribadi, maka bloger bebas menulis dan memposting apa saja tanpa batas. Baik itu tulisan, foto, gambar, maupun lagu dan kemudian melanggar hak orang lain.
Jangan karena beranggapan blog yang akan ditulis adalah blog pribadi, maka bloger bebas menulis dan memposting apa saja tanpa batas. Baik itu tulisan, foto, gambar, maupun lagu dan kemudian melanggar hak orang lain.
Risa Amrikasari, perlu ditanamkan dalam pikiran dan hati masing-masing
bloger bahwa pengunjung blog bisa siapa saja dan datang dari mana saja.
Hindari hal-hal yang melanggar hak orang lain.
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Write in a personal blog and the community was not only interesting thing to do. But also can pull themselves into trouble, if not done carefullyand with ethics. Because the writings of a blogger who posted, will be read by all users of online media.
Risa Amirkasari, an expert blogger who is also a popular writer with the pen name HeartRose said, at least there is some trick in writing a blog that a blogger out of trouble while writing. The following tips are given Risa Amrikasari:
A. Sources include
Often we get information from a variety of other online media at the time to write on theblog. By law, citing some of the words is not going to break the law, and in intellectual property law, and still includes a category called 'Fair Use'.
However, it is ethically and morally, if you want to quote, you should include the sources cited. For example the name of the author, and web address or blog where we quote them. If possible, use the 'link back'.
2. ask for permission
Although quoting a few words or sentences are still in the category of 'Fair Use' in accordance with intellectual property law, but did not rule out the original owners would object and would have caused problems later on.
Requesting permission from the owner of writings, photographs, and drawings will be better and more ethical. Given our own was not necessarily the work we would like it ifsomeone else copied or used without permission.
3. -Free But Not Violate Rights of Others
Not because they thought that would be written blog is a personal blog, the bloggers are free to write and post anything without limits. Be it writing, images, pictures, and songsand then violate the rights of others.
According to Risa Amrikasari, needs to be invested in the minds and hearts of each of the bloggers that blog visitors can come from anyone and anywhere. Avoid things that violate the rights of others.
Risa Amirkasari, an expert blogger who is also a popular writer with the pen name HeartRose said, at least there is some trick in writing a blog that a blogger out of trouble while writing. The following tips are given Risa Amrikasari:
A. Sources include
Often we get information from a variety of other online media at the time to write on theblog. By law, citing some of the words is not going to break the law, and in intellectual property law, and still includes a category called 'Fair Use'.
However, it is ethically and morally, if you want to quote, you should include the sources cited. For example the name of the author, and web address or blog where we quote them. If possible, use the 'link back'.
2. ask for permission
Although quoting a few words or sentences are still in the category of 'Fair Use' in accordance with intellectual property law, but did not rule out the original owners would object and would have caused problems later on.
Requesting permission from the owner of writings, photographs, and drawings will be better and more ethical. Given our own was not necessarily the work we would like it ifsomeone else copied or used without permission.
3. -Free But Not Violate Rights of Others
Not because they thought that would be written blog is a personal blog, the bloggers are free to write and post anything without limits. Be it writing, images, pictures, and songsand then violate the rights of others.
According to Risa Amrikasari, needs to be invested in the minds and hearts of each of the bloggers that blog visitors can come from anyone and anywhere. Avoid things that violate the rights of others.