Sobat Blogger, menulis artikel yang satu ini dikarenakan Saya sedikit kecewa karena selalu ditolak terus menerus oleh si Dia. Patah hati rasanya, si Dia (Google Adsense) memiliki skema penerimaan publisher yang sangat ketat, sehingga Blogger gampangan seperti Saya tidak diberi kesempatan untuk bergabung. Tapi tak apalah, "tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi". Jika Anda adalah seorang blogger yang tidak pernah yang namanya mencicipi pengalaman meraup dollar bersama Adsense, berikut ada beberapa Layanan Pay Per Click yang tak kalah bersaingnya juga dengan Adsense.
<Blogger pal, wrote an article this one because I was a little disappointed because it is always rejected constantly by the He. It feels a broken heart, the He (Google Adsense) has a publisher adoption schemes are very tight, so Blogger slut like I am not given the opportunity to join. But never mind, "nothing uncle was so". If you are a blogger who has never tasted such thing as experience earned dollars with Adsense, here are some Pay Per Click Service is not less competing well with Adsense>
- ChitikaAdBriteClicksorBidvertiser
Chitika (
Chitika adalah PPC yang menarik, uniknya lagi, proses blog Anda akan
langsung di approve begitu Anda mensubmitnya. Ada banyak sekali jenis
periklanan yang ditawarkan oleh Chitika dan tentunya pasti ada yang
cocok untuk kebutuhan Anda. Namun, dari sudut pandang yang berbeda,
Chitika lebih mementingkan Visitor dari USA dan Canada yang mengklik
iklan di webiste Anda. Akan tetapi, itu tidak masalah bagi Anda yang
memiliki blog berbahasa inggris. Jika Anda ingin mendaftar melalui link
referall Saya, Anda dapat mengklik banner di bawah ini :
AdBrite (
AdBrite adalah salah satu PPC yang lumayan memuaskan. Sebagai alternatifnya, jika iklan di website/blog Anda tidak muncul, tempat iklan tersebut akan menjadi ruang kosong yang bertuliskan "Your Ad Here" yang berarti Anda menjual tempat tersebut untuk pemasangan iklan oleh Calon Publisher yang mengunjungi website Anda.
AdBrite (
AdBrite adalah salah satu PPC yang lumayan memuaskan. Sebagai alternatifnya, jika iklan di website/blog Anda tidak muncul, tempat iklan tersebut akan menjadi ruang kosong yang bertuliskan "Your Ad Here" yang berarti Anda menjual tempat tersebut untuk pemasangan iklan oleh Calon Publisher yang mengunjungi website Anda.
adalah salah satu PPC yang sangat powerfull, dimana ada banyak sekali
jenis periklanan yang ditawarkan olehnya. Dimulai dari Banner, pop-unders, message ads, interestial ads dan yang paling populer adalah inline text ads.
Smowtion, adalah salah satu PPC yang membayar Anda menggunakan Cost Per Million. Dashboardnya cukup mudah untuk di navigasi. Proses pembayarannya pun dapat di ambil melalui Check dengan minimum Pay Out $100
Silahkan mendaftar di SMOWTION melalui link Referral Saya jika Anda mau :
Setidaknya, itulah beberapa PPC alternatif Google Adsense yang pernah
Saya coba sendiri, dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan, akan tetapi, jika Anda
bertanya, mengapa tidak ada satupun iklan yang "nangkring" di blog ini?
itu dikarenakan Saya sedang mengoptimalkan trafficnya terlebih dahulu.
Oke sobat Blogger! semoga artikel yang satu ini dapat membantu dan
mengobati sedikit rasa kekecewaan Anda.
Blogger pal, wrote an article this one because I was a little disappointed because it is always rejected constantly by the He. It feels a broken heart, the He (Google Adsense) has a publisher adoption schemes are very tight, so Blogger slut like I am not given the opportunity to join. But never mind, "nothing uncle was so". If you are a blogger who has never tasted such thing as experience earned dollars with Adsense, here are some Pay Per Click Service is not less competing well with Adsense.
Chitika ( is a PPC interesting, more unique, the blog will instantly approve you so you mensubmitnya. There are many types of advertising offered by Chitika and of course there must be suitable for your needs. However, from a different perspective, more concerned with Chitika Visitor from the USA and Canada who click ads on your webiste. However, it does not matter to you who have English language blog. If you want to register through My referall link, you can click the banner below:
AdBrite ( is one of the PPC is quite satisfactory. Alternatively, if the ads on your website / blog does not show up, where the ad will be a blank space labeled "Your Ad Here" which means you sell the place for advertising by Publisher Candidates who visit your website.
Clicksor ( is one very powerful PPC, where there are many types of advertising offered by it. Starting from Banner, pop-unders, message ads, ads and interestial the most popular is the inline text ads.
Bidvertiser ( is a PPC which has many types of advertising, like banners, toolbars and the recently launched reportedly Bidvertiser advertising feature called Slider Ads.
Smowtion (
Smowtion, is one that pays you to use PPC Cost Per Million. Dashboardnya fairly easy to navigate. The payment process can be taken via Check with the minimum Pay Out $ 100
Please sign in smowtion through My Referral link if you want:
At least, that some PPC Google Adsense alternatives that I've tried myself, and the results are quite satisfactory, but, if you ask why none of the ads are "perched" on this blog? That's because I'm optimizing trafficnya first. Okay buddy Blogger! I hope this article one can help and treat you a little taste of disappointment.
Blogger pal, wrote an article this one because I was a little disappointed because it is always rejected constantly by the He. It feels a broken heart, the He (Google Adsense) has a publisher adoption schemes are very tight, so Blogger slut like I am not given the opportunity to join. But never mind, "nothing uncle was so". If you are a blogger who has never tasted such thing as experience earned dollars with Adsense, here are some Pay Per Click Service is not less competing well with Adsense.
Chitika ( is a PPC interesting, more unique, the blog will instantly approve you so you mensubmitnya. There are many types of advertising offered by Chitika and of course there must be suitable for your needs. However, from a different perspective, more concerned with Chitika Visitor from the USA and Canada who click ads on your webiste. However, it does not matter to you who have English language blog. If you want to register through My referall link, you can click the banner below:
AdBrite ( is one of the PPC is quite satisfactory. Alternatively, if the ads on your website / blog does not show up, where the ad will be a blank space labeled "Your Ad Here" which means you sell the place for advertising by Publisher Candidates who visit your website.
Clicksor ( is one very powerful PPC, where there are many types of advertising offered by it. Starting from Banner, pop-unders, message ads, ads and interestial the most popular is the inline text ads.
Bidvertiser ( is a PPC which has many types of advertising, like banners, toolbars and the recently launched reportedly Bidvertiser advertising feature called Slider Ads.
Smowtion (
Smowtion, is one that pays you to use PPC Cost Per Million. Dashboardnya fairly easy to navigate. The payment process can be taken via Check with the minimum Pay Out $ 100
Please sign in smowtion through My Referral link if you want:
At least, that some PPC Google Adsense alternatives that I've tried myself, and the results are quite satisfactory, but, if you ask why none of the ads are "perched" on this blog? That's because I'm optimizing trafficnya first. Okay buddy Blogger! I hope this article one can help and treat you a little taste of disappointment.
aku daftar kok gaka jadi-jadi ya,,,,????