Posted by : achmad munajat Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Cara Merawat Baterai Laptop

Ada yang menyebutnya baterai, ada juga batre, ato kata orang londo batteryBaterai laptop sangat penting sekali, apa lagi bagi orang yang mobilitas nya tinggi, dan kemana-mana musti bawa laptop. Repot memang kalo baterai laptop kita ngedrop. Kaskusnya seperti teman saya sendiri. Padahal laptop dia mungkin baru setengah tahun. Tapi baterainya?kuat nahan kurang dari 1 menit. Sama aja nggak pake baterai. Mungkin dulu dia kurang perhatian merawat baterai laptopnya. Padahal harga baterai laptop kan mahal. Nah untuk itu, di artikel saya kali ini, saya ingin membagikan tips bagaimana cara merawat baterai laptop dengan baik agar umur baterai juga lebih lama.
  • Jangan simpan laptop di atas kasur/ karpet/ sofa. Laptop butuh sirkulasi udara karena dia mengeluarkan panas. Kalau kita simpan di kasur, panasnya tidak akan keluar.
  • Gunakan cooling pad. Cooling pad bisa membantu meredam suhu laptop yang panas. Laptop dan baterai jadi tidak panas. Usahakan cari yang arah anginnya meniup dari bawah ke atas.. jangan arah anginnya ke bawah / menghisap udara.
  • Laptop zaman sekarang sudah canggih. Jadi, kalau misalnya lagi dicharge terus sampai penuh, dia bakal memutus arus dengan sendirinya. Jadi tidak perlu dicabut adaptornya.
  • Kalau laptop ga dipakai dalam waktu lama (misalnya seminggu) batere laptop sebaiknya disimpan saja. Simpan di dalam plastik kering, terus simpan di tempat yang sejuk. kalau bisa simpan pula beberapa silica gel untuk mencegah kelembaban.
  • Jangan simpan laptop atau batere laptop di dalam mobil yang terkena sinar matahari. Ini dapat mempengaruhi kinerja laptop.
  • Kalibrasi baterai laptop minimal sebulan sekali. Cara kalibrasi adalah pakai baterai laptop sampai kira-kira tersisa 10 – 15%, lalu charge sampe penuh. Hal ini akan menggerakkan seluruh sel-sel yang ada di dalam baterai, sehingga kondisinya selalu prima.
  • Baterai atau laptop jangan sampai terbentur apalagi terjatuh. Jangan juga disimpan/ditindih benda berat, karena akan rentan terhadap arus pendek/korslet sehingga menyebabkan overheating.
  • Jangan sampai kena air. Tahu sendiri akibatnya. Walaupun nantinya kering dan bisa dipakai lagi, jamur dan korosi akan menggerogoti fisik si baterai itu sendiri.
  • Selalu pakai baterai dan charger original. Tentu yang original lebih terjamin kualitasnya?
  • kalau lagi pakai laptop tanpa baterai, usahakan tegangan listrik di rumah kita stabil. Caranya adalah dengan pakai stabilizer. kalau tidak ada stabilizer, sebaiknya baterai dipasang aja. Harga bateraitidak sebanding dengan kerusakan laptop! lebih baik lagi pakai UPS… jadi saat tiba-tiba listrik mati, laptop masih hidup dan kita masih sempat shutdown..
  • kalau laptop sering di on-offkan , sebaiknya tidak usah dimatikan lebih baik tapi di mode sleep saja. Karena tenaga yang diperlukan pada saat laptop menyala itu lebih kecil dibandingkan waktu pertama menyalakan laptop.
  • Gunakan power management pada control panel. Set brightness di bawah 50%, jangan pakai screen saver aneh-aneh, pakai blank karena paling irit power, set waktunya juga agar tidak telalu lama. Set juga power jadi max battery.
Cukup itu aja. Gimana udah jelas sekarang? tinggal di praktekin ajatips ini..dari pada terlambat seperti teman saya itu.hehe..selamat mencoba.


Laptop Batteries Tips on How to Take Care

150x150 Notebook Battery Battery Care Tips How to call LaptopAda battery, there is also a battery, battery ato Londo said the man. Laptop batteries is very important, what more for those who have a high mobility, and everywhere must take a laptop. Repot it if we ngedrop laptop battery. Kaskusnya as my own friend. Though he may be a new laptop and a half years. But the battery? Strong hold back less than 1 minute. Aja pake not the same battery. Maybe he used to treat attention deficit laptop battery. Though the price of my laptop battery is expensive. Well for that, this time in my article, I want to share tips on how to care for a laptop battery properly to the battery life is also longer.

    Do not store the laptop in bed / carpet / sofa. Laptops need air circulation because he was a hot issue. If we keep on the bed, the heat will not come out.
    Use a cooling pad. Cooling pad can help reduce the temperature of a hot laptop. Laptop battery and so does heat. Try to find the direction the wind is blowing from the bottom up .. not the direction the wind is down / inhale air.
    Laptops today are sophisticated. So, if for example again until fully charged, he would break the flow by itself. So no need to lift the adapter.
    If the laptop ga used in a long time (eg a week) laptop battery should be kept alone. Store in a dry plastic, continue to store in a cool place. Similarly if you can save some silica gel to prevent moisture.
    Do not store laptop or a laptop battery in a car exposed to the sun. This can affect the performance of the laptop.
    Calibrate laptop battery at least once a month. Is how to calibrate laptop battery life to about the remaining 10-15%, then charge until full. This will move all the cells in the battery, so it always excellent condition.
    Battery or laptop do not get hit much less fall. Do not also be saved / weighted down with heavy objects, because it will be vulnerable to short-circuit / short circuit, causing overheating.
    Avoid contact with water. Know your own risk. Although it will be dried and used again, mildew and corrosion will eat away at the battery itself physically.
    Always use original battery and charger. Of the original is more guaranteed quality?
    if longer use the laptop without the battery, keep the voltage stable electricity in our homes. The trick is to use a stabilizer. if no stabilizer, preferably replacing it wrote. Battery life is not worth the price of laptop damage! better use UPS ... so when a sudden power failure, the laptop is still alive and we still had time to shutdown ..
    if the laptop is often in on-offkan, it is not necessary but better off in sleep mode only. Because the power needed to light up when the laptop is smaller than the first time turn on the laptop.
    Use the power management control panel. Set brightness below 50%, do not use weird screen saver, use the blank as the most economical power, set the time as well so not too long. Also set to be max battery power.

Simply it wrote. How already clear now?

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