Belum Tau apa Itu PTC ???? BACA DULU DISINI
Salah satu program penghasil uang tambahan bagi anda pecinta PTC dan khusus untuk orang indonesia. KlikRupiah baru saja launching beberapa waktu lalu dan saat tulisan ini dipublikasikan sudah beranggotakan lebih dari 3000 orang. Wow !!! Siapapun bisa bergabung disini, bebas. Asalkan berbeda alamat email dan nomor rekening banknya. Yang anda lakukan cukup melihat iklan selama 30 detik dan akan langsung dibayar.
<PTC has not Know What It?? READ HERE FIRST
One of the programs generating additional money for you lovers of PTC and specifically for the Indonesian people. KlikRupiah has just launched some time ago and the publication time of this writing has over 3000 people. Wow! Anyone can join here free.Provided that different email addresses and bank account numbers. You are doing enough to see ads for 30 seconds and will be paid>
Salah satu program penghasil uang tambahan bagi anda pecinta PTC dan khusus untuk orang indonesia. KlikRupiah baru saja launching beberapa waktu lalu dan saat tulisan ini dipublikasikan sudah beranggotakan lebih dari 3000 orang. Wow !!! Siapapun bisa bergabung disini, bebas. Asalkan berbeda alamat email dan nomor rekening banknya. Yang anda lakukan cukup melihat iklan selama 30 detik dan akan langsung dibayar.
<PTC has not Know What It?? READ HERE FIRST
One of the programs generating additional money for you lovers of PTC and specifically for the Indonesian people. KlikRupiah has just launched some time ago and the publication time of this writing has over 3000 people. Wow! Anyone can join here free.Provided that different email addresses and bank account numbers. You are doing enough to see ads for 30 seconds and will be paid>
Penghasilan yang akan anda dapatkan adalah Rp 100,- per click dan Rp 50,- per referral click. Apabila anda memutuskan untuk upgrade keanggotaan, maka potensi penghasilan anda yaitu Rp 150,- per click dan Rp 100,- per referral click.
Anda akan dibayar setelah saldo mencapai batas minimal pembayaran yaitu Rp 50.000,- dan akan ditransfer ke rekening Bank BCA atau Bank Mandiri anda. Jadi siapkan rekening anda.
Cara Mendapatkan Uang
Bagi member baru yang belum tahu cara mendapatkan uang di KlikRupiah, anda bisa melakukan cara berikut :
1) Begitu anda berhasil daftar di KlikRupiah, silakan login dengan akun anda.
2) Pilih link “Klik Iklan”. Diatas atau di kolom sebelah kiri anda.
3) Klik 1 iklan, sampai muncul tab baru.
4) Tunggu sekitar 30 detik, setelah itu akan muncul kotak pesan ‘anda ingin uang anda bertambah?’.
5) Klik ‘OK’, setelah itu akan muncul kotak pesan lagi berisikan ‘uang anda bertambah!’.
6) Klik ‘OK’, selamat anda mendapatkan Rp. 100,- dari Klik Rupiah. Anda bisa menutup tab baru tersebut ( setelah frame dari Klik Rupiah hilang tentunya )dan ulangi lagi langkah ke 3 diatas.
1) Akun bersaldo “0” akan di hapus setiap hari yang dieksekusi pada pukul 21:00 WIB. Untuk menghindari hal ini, setelah mendaftar lakukan “cara mendapatkan uang” di atas.
2) Bagaimana jika akun saya terhapus ?. Jika anda masih berminat untuk mengikuti program KlikRupiah, anda bisa mendaftar lagi dan tentu saja referral yang anda dapatkan kemungkinan akan hilang.
3) Tidak ada komplain, ini peraturan yang diterapkan KlikRupiah demi kebaikan semua member. Memang kita hanya meluangkan waktu kurang dari 30 menit sehari untuk melakukan klik iklan di KlikRupiah. Jadi apa yang harus kita komplain ???
4) Sebaiknya gunakan browser Opera atau Mozilla versi terbaru untuk mengakses KlikRupiah.
Bagaimana, apa anda tertarik untuk mendaftar??? atau pengen cari program penghasil tambahan yang lain??? Jika anda tertarik klik disini untuk daftar
PTC has not Know What It?? READ HERE FIRSTOne of the programs generating additional money for you lovers of PTC and specifically for the Indonesian people. KlikRupiah has just launched some time ago and the publication time of this writing has over 3000 people. Wow! Anyone can join here free.Provided that different email addresses and bank account numbers. You are doing enough to see ads for 30 seconds and will be paid.
Income Potential
Income that you will get is Rp 100, - per click and $ 50, - per referral click. If you decide to upgrade membership, then your earning potential is $ 150, - per click and $ 100, - per referral click.
You will be paid after the balance reaches the minimum payment of Rp 50,000, - and will be transferred to Bank Mandiri Bank BCA or you. So prepare your account.
How To Make Money
For new members who do not know how to earn money in KlikRupiah, you can perform the following ways:
1) Once you successfully register in KlikRupiah, please login with your account.
2) Select the link "Click Advertising". Above or in the left column you.
3) Click on an ad, until a new tab.
4) Wait about 30 seconds, after which it will pop up a message box 'you want your money to grow?'.
5) Click 'OK', then another message box will appear containing the 'your money grow!'.
6) Click 'OK', congratulations you get Rp. 100, - from the click amount. You can close the new tab (after frame of Click Rupiah lost of course) and repeat step 3 above.
1) Account bersaldo "0" will be removed every day to be executed at 21:00 pm. To avoid this, after signing up to do "how to make money" on top.
2) What if my account deleted?. If you are still interested to follow KlikRupiah program, you can sign up again and of course referrals you get will likely be lost.
3) No complaint, these rules are applied KlikRupiah for the good of all members.Indeed, we only take less than 30 minutes a day to click ads on KlikRupiah. So what should we complain?
4) We recommend using Opera or Mozilla browser to access the latest version KlikRupiah.
How, what you are interested in signing up? or want to search for additional producing another program? If you are interested click here to register
Income Potential
Income that you will get is Rp 100, - per click and $ 50, - per referral click. If you decide to upgrade membership, then your earning potential is $ 150, - per click and $ 100, - per referral click.
You will be paid after the balance reaches the minimum payment of Rp 50,000, - and will be transferred to Bank Mandiri Bank BCA or you. So prepare your account.
How To Make Money
For new members who do not know how to earn money in KlikRupiah, you can perform the following ways:
1) Once you successfully register in KlikRupiah, please login with your account.
2) Select the link "Click Advertising". Above or in the left column you.
3) Click on an ad, until a new tab.
4) Wait about 30 seconds, after which it will pop up a message box 'you want your money to grow?'.
5) Click 'OK', then another message box will appear containing the 'your money grow!'.
6) Click 'OK', congratulations you get Rp. 100, - from the click amount. You can close the new tab (after frame of Click Rupiah lost of course) and repeat step 3 above.
1) Account bersaldo "0" will be removed every day to be executed at 21:00 pm. To avoid this, after signing up to do "how to make money" on top.
2) What if my account deleted?. If you are still interested to follow KlikRupiah program, you can sign up again and of course referrals you get will likely be lost.
3) No complaint, these rules are applied KlikRupiah for the good of all members.Indeed, we only take less than 30 minutes a day to click ads on KlikRupiah. So what should we complain?
4) We recommend using Opera or Mozilla browser to access the latest version KlikRupiah.
How, what you are interested in signing up? or want to search for additional producing another program? If you are interested click here to register