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- 7 Desain Laptop Masa Depan ( 7 Design of Future Laptops )
Posted by : achmad munajat
Monday, 26 March 2012
Para ilmuwan telah merancang desain-desain laptop yang lebih
canggih untuk masa depan. berikut desain-desainnya :
1. HP Nobag
Versi laptop HP ini dirancang untuk
wanita yang tidak menyukai tas untuk laptop. Konsep laptop ini dirancang
untuk dapat digulung seperti payung jika tidak digunakan dan
menentengnya selayaknya aksesori yang elegan.
Laptop ini dilengkapi layar OLED (organic
light emitting diode) dan sensor sentuh. Laptop ini dirancang khusus
untuk perempuan dipersembahkan oleh HP, hasil dari kreativitas yang
dikombinasikan dengan ‘thinking out of the box‘ seorang desainer, Nikita Buyanov.
<Scientists have designed a laptop designs are more sophisticated for the future.following the designs:A. HP NobagHP laptop version is designed for women who do not like bags for laptops. The concept of this laptop is designed to be rolled up like an umbrella when not in use and elegant accessory carrying it properly.This laptop is equipped with OLED screens (organic light emitting diode) and a touch sensor. This laptop is designed specifically for women offered by HP, the result of creativity, combined with the 'thinking out of the box' a designer, Nikita Buyan>
<Scientists have designed a laptop designs are more sophisticated for the future.following the designs:A. HP NobagHP laptop version is designed for women who do not like bags for laptops. The concept of this laptop is designed to be rolled up like an umbrella when not in use and elegant accessory carrying it properly.This laptop is equipped with OLED screens (organic light emitting diode) and a touch sensor. This laptop is designed specifically for women offered by HP, the result of creativity, combined with the 'thinking out of the box' a designer, Nikita Buyan>
2. Moonlight Laptop
Konsep laptop ini dilengkapi dengan layar duel-curved,
dimana terdapat 2 layar yang melengkung, yang memungkinkan pengguna
menjaga jarak ideal antara mata dan layar laptop untuk mengurangi stres
Layar yang bawah menggunakan teknologi
layar sentuh dan dapat digunakan untuk mouse atau menjalankan sebuah
mini OS di latar belakang, atau hanya sebagai lampiran dari layar yg
lebih besar.
Frame sensor dikendalikan dan menyala
dalam gelap dan memiliki sepasang kaki yang panjang untuk mengangkat
laptop dan untuk menempatkan keyboard dengan tepat.
3. Canvas Laptop
Seorang desainer bernama Kyle Cherry telah mengembangkan laptop abad ke-21.
Laptop ini memiliki layar sentuh yang
sensitif sangat tipis dan komponen lain akan terlihat hampir sama tetapi
mereka akan disesuaikan dengan lebih baik.
Desainer Kyle Cherry telah membayangkan
tipe baru komputer dengan kreativitas yang intens dalam pikiran. Disebut
‘kanvas’, komputer ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan
produktivitas desainer atau artis.
Laptop ini ditujukan untuk memudahkan
pengguna komputer dengan pengalaman yang sedikit atau bahkan tidak ada
pengalaman sama sekali, untuk beralih dari cara kerja tradisional ke
cara kerja digital.
4. Sony Vaio Zoom
Dirancang oleh Eno Setiawan (Desainer Indonesia
konsep notebook Vaio Zoom mengambil segala yang kita ketahui tentang
teknologi holografik dan meremas itu ke dalam kaca tipis.
![I Love Indonesia (S)](http://static.kaskus.us/images/smilies/iloveindonesias.gif)
Ketika aktif, layar benar-benar
transparan dan keyboard berjalan buram. Hidupkan dan perayaan holografik
touchscreen dimulai! Bahkan tombol mouse hologram!
Ini hanya konsep jadi tidak ada info
tentang tidbits penting seperti tactile feedback, baterai, statistik
sistem, dll, tapi sisanya yakin teknologi seperti ini lebih dekat
daripada yang Anda pikirkan. Mungkin tidak datang sekaligus tapi datang,
itu pasti!
5. Asus Dual panel laptop
Dual panel ini menawarkan ruang kerja
yang fleksibel di mana pengguna dapat beradaptasi sesuai skenario
penggunaan yang berlaku pada mereka. Misalnya menyesuaikan ukuran
touchpad dan keyboard virtual. Melalui gerak tangan, pengenalan tulisan
tangan, dan multitouch, pengguna disajikan dengan permukaan kontrol yang
bersifat fleksibel dan intuitif. Pengguna dapat menggunakan konsep
dual-panel dalam berbagai skenario penggunaan.
Misalnya sebagai notebook konvensional
dengan layar multitouch, virtual keyboard dan touchpad, sebuah hub
multimedia, di mana kedua panel ganda bisa bergabung membentuk tampilan
yang lebih besar untuk hiburan layar lebar, atau mode E-book di mana
pengguna dapat menahan panel ganda notebook konsep seperti mereka akan
mengadakan buku konvensional saat membalik-balik halaman melalui gerakan
intuitif atau dengan sentuhan. Konsep-konsep ini bertujuan untuk
memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna melalui inovasi teknologi dan desain
yang user-centric.
6. Samsung Amoled
Tampilan AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic
Light-Emitting Diode) telah menjadi sorotan karena kualitas layar besar
mereka dan Samsung sudah mulai menerapkan teknologi baru ini di beberapa
perangkat seperti ponsel dan kamera.
Baru-baru ini Divisi SDI di Samsung
datang dengan prototipe notebook AMOLED yang mereka klaim menghasilkan
rasio kontras sekitar 20 kali lebih besar daripada LCD!
Konsep notebook AMOLED oleh Samsung juga memiliki desain yang unik yang tipis dan ramping dengan keyboard sentuh sensitif.
7. Compenion laptop
Felix Schmidberger telah merancang sebuah laptop untuk tahun 2015 dengan layar sentuh OLED.
Ini terdiri dari dua layar OLED geser,
salah satu yang dapat digunakan sebagai keyboard, pada saat diperlukan.
Menurut kami, ini adalah konsep laptop yang terlihat paling menarik, dan
pada masa depan akan membuat konsep laptop ini jauh lebih baik
Komputer ini sendiri memiliki OLED touchscreen, mirip dengan UMPC atau PDA.
Seluruh layarnya slider, karena dapat
dipindahkan ke depan untuk mengungkapkan touchscreen OLED kedua di
bawah, di mana Anda dapat memiliki keyboard atau kontrol bekerja, mirip
dengan setup dengan 2 monitor.
![Compenion laptop5](http://serbadidunia.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/compenion-laptop5.jpg?w=570)
Scientists have designed a laptop designs are more sophisticated for the future.following the designs:A. HP NobagHP laptop version is designed for women who do not like bags for laptops. The concept of this laptop is designed to be rolled up like an umbrella when not in use and elegant accessory carrying it properly.This laptop is equipped with OLED screens (organic light emitting diode) and a touch sensor. This laptop is designed specifically for women offered by HP, the result of creativity, combined with the 'thinking out of the box' a designer, Nikita Buyanov.
2. Moonlight LaptopThe concept laptop comes with duel-curved screens, where there are two curved screen, which allows users to maintain an ideal distance between the eyes and the laptop screen to reduce eye stress.The bottom of the screen using the touch screen technology and can be used for the mouse or run a mini OS in the background, or simply as an attachment of a larger screen.Frame sensor controlled and lights in the dark and has a pair of long legs to lift the laptop and to put the keyboard properly.
3. Canvas LaptopA designer named Kyle Cherry has developed a 21st-century laptop.The laptop features a touch-sensitive screen is very thin and the other components will look almost the same but they will be adjusted to better.Designer Kyle Cherry has envisioned a new type of computer with an intense creativity in mind. Called the 'canvas', the computer is designed to improve quality and productivity of the designer or artist.This laptop is intended to facilitate computer users with little experience or no experience at all, to switch from the traditional to the way how the digital work.
4. Sony Vaio ZoomDesigned by Eno Setiawan (Indonesia Designer), Vaio Zoom notebook concept takes everything we know about holographic technology and squeezes it into a thin glass.When active, the screen is completely transparent and the keyboard goes opaque. Turn on and the touchscreen holographic festivities begin! Even the mouse button hologram!It's just a concept so there's no info on important tidbits like tactile feedback, battery, system statistics, etc., but the rest sure this technology is closer than you think. It may not come all at once but it came, it must be!
5. Asus dual panel laptopDual panel offers a flexible working space in which users can adapt to fit the scenario of use that apply to them. For example adjusting the size of the virtual touchpad and keyboard. Through hand gestures, handwriting recognition, and multitouch, users are presented with a control surface that is both flexible and intuitive. Users can use a dual-panel concept in a variety of usage scenarios.For example as a conventional notebook with multitouch screens, a virtual keyboard and touchpad, a multimedia hub, in which both dual panels could combine to form a larger display for widescreen entertainment, or the E-book mode in which users can hold the dual panel concept notebook just like they will hold a conventional book while flipping pages through intuitive gestures or by touch. These concepts aim to bring convenience to the user through technological innovations and user-centric design.
6. Samsung AMOLEDAMOLED display (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) has been in the spotlight because of the quality of their big screens and Samsung have started applying this new technology in some devices such as mobile phones and cameras.Recently the Division in Samsung SDI comes with AMOLED notebook prototype which they claim produces a contrast ratio of about 20 times larger than the LCD!AMOLED concept notebook by Samsung also features a unique design with a slim and sleek touch-sensitive keyboard.
7. Compenion laptopFelix Schmidberger has designed a laptop for 2015 with OLED touch screen.It consists of two sliding OLED screens, one of which can be used as a keyboard, when required. In our opinion, this is a concept laptop that looks the most interesting, and in the future will make this laptop concept is much better later on.The computer itself has an OLED touchscreen, similar to a UMPC or PDA.The whole screen is a slider, because it can be moved forward to reveal a second OLED touchscreen underneath, where you can have a keyboard or working controls, similar to the setup with 2 monitors.
2. Moonlight LaptopThe concept laptop comes with duel-curved screens, where there are two curved screen, which allows users to maintain an ideal distance between the eyes and the laptop screen to reduce eye stress.The bottom of the screen using the touch screen technology and can be used for the mouse or run a mini OS in the background, or simply as an attachment of a larger screen.Frame sensor controlled and lights in the dark and has a pair of long legs to lift the laptop and to put the keyboard properly.
3. Canvas LaptopA designer named Kyle Cherry has developed a 21st-century laptop.The laptop features a touch-sensitive screen is very thin and the other components will look almost the same but they will be adjusted to better.Designer Kyle Cherry has envisioned a new type of computer with an intense creativity in mind. Called the 'canvas', the computer is designed to improve quality and productivity of the designer or artist.This laptop is intended to facilitate computer users with little experience or no experience at all, to switch from the traditional to the way how the digital work.
4. Sony Vaio ZoomDesigned by Eno Setiawan (Indonesia Designer), Vaio Zoom notebook concept takes everything we know about holographic technology and squeezes it into a thin glass.When active, the screen is completely transparent and the keyboard goes opaque. Turn on and the touchscreen holographic festivities begin! Even the mouse button hologram!It's just a concept so there's no info on important tidbits like tactile feedback, battery, system statistics, etc., but the rest sure this technology is closer than you think. It may not come all at once but it came, it must be!
5. Asus dual panel laptopDual panel offers a flexible working space in which users can adapt to fit the scenario of use that apply to them. For example adjusting the size of the virtual touchpad and keyboard. Through hand gestures, handwriting recognition, and multitouch, users are presented with a control surface that is both flexible and intuitive. Users can use a dual-panel concept in a variety of usage scenarios.For example as a conventional notebook with multitouch screens, a virtual keyboard and touchpad, a multimedia hub, in which both dual panels could combine to form a larger display for widescreen entertainment, or the E-book mode in which users can hold the dual panel concept notebook just like they will hold a conventional book while flipping pages through intuitive gestures or by touch. These concepts aim to bring convenience to the user through technological innovations and user-centric design.
6. Samsung AMOLEDAMOLED display (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) has been in the spotlight because of the quality of their big screens and Samsung have started applying this new technology in some devices such as mobile phones and cameras.Recently the Division in Samsung SDI comes with AMOLED notebook prototype which they claim produces a contrast ratio of about 20 times larger than the LCD!AMOLED concept notebook by Samsung also features a unique design with a slim and sleek touch-sensitive keyboard.
7. Compenion laptopFelix Schmidberger has designed a laptop for 2015 with OLED touch screen.It consists of two sliding OLED screens, one of which can be used as a keyboard, when required. In our opinion, this is a concept laptop that looks the most interesting, and in the future will make this laptop concept is much better later on.The computer itself has an OLED touchscreen, similar to a UMPC or PDA.The whole screen is a slider, because it can be moved forward to reveal a second OLED touchscreen underneath, where you can have a keyboard or working controls, similar to the setup with 2 monitors.